My life’s purpose…

I wrote the following back in July of 2015, but I don’t think it got published. I had forgot I had written these thoughts down, but it still speaks truth even today.

I have been pondering my life’s purpose for days and came to the conclusion that besides living in joy, I am meant to really experience life and to feel and share it. To take in life through the senses and feel what life brings to me and to tell others about it. I am a storyteller. An artist.

I am meant to pour my heart out onto the page or canvas or whatever platform I chose. I have a gift of saying the hard stuff, being open and honest in the moment, of putting myself out there. I am getting more and more confident in doing this as I write. Opening up. Being real. It is how I want to be and how I want to live my life. To live with this purpose.


Photo credit: blue-a at

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