
It has been almost 2 and a half years since I have written for myself. I had written the occasional email for my husband. But does that count? The thing is…I had been struck with a terrible case of amnesia. Not the medical kind mind you, but the kind brought on by life events, bad habits and forgetting who I really am. I am meant to be a writer and I should write!

It feels so foreign at the moment as I write these words. I feel out of practice. I feel like I can’t quite feel the connection between me and my higher being where I channel my greatest writing. So I say this for myself more than for you, be gentle with me as I learn to get back to the writer I know I am and could be.

I must say I am excited, but also quite scared because I know to be the writer I want to be, I am going to have to go to the very depth of my being and be brave, courageous and reveal it anyway. I need to be vulnerable.

I had forgotten to do this the past 2 years and had let go of me and my vulnerability to be strong and in control. It all began when I stopped writing back in August of 2015. I made excuses and I let life and the people in my life get in the way of my writing. I know now it didn’t have to be this way. I didn’t have to let the amnesia take over. But I did, and in a way I am glad for the experience because it reaffirmed what I am meant to do with my life.

I look forward to seeing what my writing will do for my life and how I know I will get better with practice. I know I will write some pretty shitty writing, but I know some of my best work is yet to come. So long amnesia! I am a writer and I will write!

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